Sunday, July 27, 2014

Done but not Dead

The queries are all done and the waiting time is almost over, onto plan B, self-publishing. A friend of mine self-published his book about a year ago and has offered to help me through the process. I have sent him my book and am now waiting to hear back from him. This book will be birthed soon but for now I must do what I find very difficult to do. Patience is a virtue I do not possess.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Query until you drop

My head aches, I have double vision and I am exhausted. All this from just sending out five queries to agents for my new book. When you think about it asking a stranger to read your story and then go off and sell it is a bit weird. They must really fall in love with your story in order to do this and that is the rub. The agents get so many stories that they must surely get overwhelmed and exhausted also.  Querying is like doing fast track dating. You have a short window of time to impress before  the agent is introduced to the next hopeful author. At least the agents tend to be a kind bunch. The rejection letters have been very nice. And so I close my laptop for today and will continue again tomorrow.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Patience is a virtue I do not possess.

Well, it is done! All the query letters to agents that I am going to submit are gone and the very nice rejections have been coming in. By August all answers to my queries should be in and if the rejections hold true, then it is on to the next step, to self-publish or not to self-publish.

I like my story. It has heart, growth and change. It needs to find an audience and they will laugh and cry and be thoroughly entertained.  I have several leads on how to self-publish which I will look into come fall, but for now - I wait.